Month: September 2011

Monday Night Football** is going to be two games on cable TV, when did this happen and does the #ourCOG GO have any say in this?

Monday Night Football** is going to be two games on cable TV, when did this happen and does the #ourCOG GO have any say in this? »

#TheMostCommonLies** that the AG is the same as the #ourCOG. No other organization would dare run like we do.

#TheMostCommonLies** that the AG is the same as the #ourCOG. No other organization would dare run like we do. »

RT @Cog_Swagger: My stomach is killing me, I was eating Cleveland’s local cuisine of burritos and gravy. #ourCOG

RT @Cog_Swagger: My stomach is killing me, I was eating Cleveland's local cuisine of burritos and gravy. #ourCOG »

Thank God some of these you directors are losing there jobs, soon we won’t have youth in the #ourCOG, and we can but the overseer a boat

Thank God some of these you directors are losing there jobs, soon we won't have youth in the #ourCOG, and we can but the overseer a boat »