How are the memphis mad dogs doing this year? #ourCOG #outoftouch
How are the memphis mad dogs doing this year? #ourCOG #outoftouch »
How are the memphis mad dogs doing this year? #ourCOG #outoftouch »
Enjoying Jessie jacksons talk at the University of Nebraska #OurCOG »
This past sunday, during our evening church service, I had the proud emotions of a spiritual father. As this young, energetic, and anointed young man stepped up to the stage with his rock style of christian music in the background, I knew this was goi... »
The stories and testimonies of all our missionaries are wonderfuland inspiring to hear. Often, one such testimony comes along which webelieve will be a blessing to you.Such a testimony comes in video form for you to experience: Vision in Afflictio... »