Month: November 2011

Being a Christ follower is simple if you think about it. Either give Him your whole life or none of it. #stumin #studmin #ourCOG #Jesus

Being a Christ follower is simple if you think about it. Either give Him your whole life or none of it. #stumin #studmin #ourCOG #Jesus »

trying to be courageous as a middle class white guy.

Courage is one of the great virtues to aspire to in antiquity.  And while I’m certain courage looks differently for people of the cross than other folks, I still think it’s an awfully good one to aim for. I have never done anything particularly courageous.  That is not false humility nor fishing for compliments.  I [...] »

THANK GOD #greenbay is winning today #ourCOG 21:0

THANK GOD #greenbay is winning today #ourCOG 21:0 »

Good news…you’ll lose 30 pounds today of all days! Bad news…you’re a turkey! #ourCOG

Good'll lose 30 pounds today of all days! Bad're a turkey! #ourCOG »