Month: November 2011

My hand hurts. Can you get carpal tunnel in your wrist from praying to much #Christianpondering #ourCOG

My hand hurts. Can you get carpal tunnel in your wrist from praying to much #Christianpondering #ourCOG »

RT @JosephADangelo: Had a great time singing from the Red Back Hymnal tonight. Such a rich heritage we have in the #OurCOG. I am proud to be a COG minister.

RT @JosephADangelo: Had a great time singing from the Red Back Hymnal tonight. Such a rich heritage we have in the #OurCOG. I am proud to be a COG minister. »

I Don’t THINK So!

I Don’t THINK So!

Watch this video of what this woman discovered when she came out of the bathroom.  She seems a little too calm if you ask me. I know the reaction in my house would have been different! lol »

Preschool Birthday Party for Jesus

Our Preschool ministry will be holding a Birthday Party for Jesus on Sunday, December 11th after second service in the OT cafe. »