Month: November 2011

God: Comforter

God: Comforter

These are the extended notes from today’s message at Cross Community Church. As you might imagine, I did not have time to develop all the scriptures. So these are the major points.  If you like, you can also listen to the message or those from the rest of the series online at this link. John [...] »

I can not tell you how much I miss my pew and piano only worship time. #nywc #nywc11 #ourCOG

I can not tell you how much I miss my pew and piano only worship time. #nywc #nywc11 #ourCOG »

What!?! No free Turkey dinner after church today! I was going to box that up for Thursday! #Occupycog #ourCOG

What!?! No free Turkey dinner after church today! I was going to box that up for Thursday! #Occupycog #ourCOG »

Bishop Bennie Jones

Sunday November 20, 2011  8:30 am - Bishop Bennie Jones »