Month: November 2011

Had gr8 time w/ @westmorecog @High5kids1 R Rangers & Girls Clubs raking leaves 2day 4 some of the Westmore elderly. #ourCOG #kidmin #fammin

Had gr8 time w/ @westmorecog @High5kids1 R Rangers & Girls Clubs raking leaves 2day 4 some of the Westmore elderly. #ourCOG #kidmin #fammin »

for victims of sexual abuse (as children)

The news is prompting this post. Children who are abused sexually pay a heavy price throughout their entire lives.  The pain of sexual abuse is a complex situation and as diverse as the shameful experiences the victims endured. There are no easy answers and no one can assume to know what these people are going [...] »

In the Torch Again

In the Torch Again


@revkevinwalker can’t wait for the NE & Iowa game on black FRI #ourCOG

@BroKEV83 can't wait for the NE & Iowa game on black FRI #ourCOG »