Month: November 2011

becoming a real boy.

At 33, this seems like a good year to be a man–except it seems to be God’s timing in my life to make me into a real boy. Coming full circle to the kind of joy, imagination and freedom that I experienced in my relationship with God when I was riding my bike in circles [...] »

Final Conference of 2011

Final Conference of 2011

Voice of Evangelism Latest Resources from Perry Stone Greeting! The Cartersville Conference was our final main conference of 2011! The Holy Spir... »



Winter's lot has cast its spell on me.I clear my throat,Trembling at the knees.This darkness,This spiritual hard freezeBlots out my hope,Hardens my soul,Consumes my thoughts,Like a film obsessively replaying in my mind.I seem to hear a victorious drum ... »

My daily advice for those that are suffering…

My daily advice for those that are suffering…

Hello!  I pray you’re having a good day but I bet you’re suffering a bit also…that is if you love somebody.  Let me explain… Right now in my prayer time I am using I Corinthians 13 (The Love Chapter) as one of my prayer guides.  Today I reflected on the fact that love is “long-suffering” [...] »