Month: November 2011

YngAMin success not # comin 2 ur YA prog but # funneling back N2 life of church: #choir #kidmin #stumin / #rethink #YngAMin #fammin #ourCOG

YngAMin success not # comin 2 ur YA prog but # funneling back N2 life of church: #choir #kidmin #stumin / #rethink #YngAMin #fammin #ourCOG »

Operation Shoebox Outstanding Collection Results

Covenant Church served as the collection center for the Charlottesville community. »

How I Figure It

As a boy I read my share of fairy tales. One of my favorite stories was the prince who became a pauper to search for a bride. »

If You Do Not Mind

I am going to rejoice. Allow me to be grateful for wonderful blessings of the Lord upon the good folks of Covenant Church. Today was wonderful being together in worship. »