Month: January 2012

The Pain

Searing through myBody,Soul, andMind -It comes again,And again,Never leaving,Never lessening,Never slowing down.I wish it were physicalPain vibrating throughMy body -But, instead, it's so much more.It's the pain of love,Of loss,Of her turning away.The ... »

Compassion Am I

I just realized that I want to be compassionate.  However, I don’t wish to just be compassionate, I want to be seen as compassionate. I feel as if I have compassion at times, but I know that is not enough.  Anyone can feel for someone or something in a moment, but what does it really [...] »

Day Five = Fasting as a Discipline (40 day fasting challenge)

Day Five = Fasting as a Discipline But this kind never comes out except by prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:21) Discipline is training to ensure proper behavior, to make yourself do something regularly (Encarta Dictionary). It is interesting to me that o... »

Say Ye to the Righteous: “It shall be well”

A message preached at the 12th Annual Mission Conference in Pahokee, Florida »