Month: January 2012

I have a great idea!!! We should start a ministry that wins zoo animals to the Lord! Wait can animals be members!?? Never mind. #ourCOG

I have a great idea!!! We should start a ministry that wins zoo animals to the Lord! Wait can animals be members!?? Never mind. #ourCOG »

January 24 – Perry Stone Hosting TBN

January 24 – Perry Stone Hosting TBN

January 24th - Perry Stone Hosting TBN   On Tuesday, January 24th Perry Stone will be hosting TBN. The live taping begins at 7:00 pm and the program will air at 10:00 pm. (EST). Special guests for this prog... »

Today We Fight

Learning to fight is just as important for girls as it is boys, but I suspect this issue is particularly important for men at this point in our culture. I am part of a generation of men who have turned out to be passive in many ways. Some of us would rather play video games [...] »


HateFlows from a broken spirit,All because of the color of skin.Even while we smile,Even while we nod,Even while we pass in the aisle of the grocery store.KW '12 »