Month: June 2012

Do You Remember When? By Christian Clinard

Do You Remember When? By Christian Clinard

Have you ever had one of those moments in life where you pause and just reflect on the times that the Lord came through on your behalf? Perhaps you had a time where the bills were due and you just knew that the money wasn’t going to add up. It could ... »

Inside the Ministry Update June 19, 2012

Watch live progress on the Omega Ranch Project Special Manna-fest series on Breaking Addictions will be available soon New Manna-fest American series coming soon New movie "The Pocket Watch" to be released soon "Unusual Prophecies Book Nine" due ... »

‘Teavangelicals’ Ushering in a New Great Awakening?

When the Tea Party started its political rise, the clear focus was economic—specifically the U.S. deficit, taxes and spending. Social issues took a back seat, but that didn’t stop Christians from joining and strengthening this new movement. The... »

Dad’s Best Present: Sons Who Are Godly Leaders

Rex Jones knows a thing or two about raising sons—he’s got three of them—and he’s trained them to make an impact on the world for Christ. The Jones boys—Barrett, 22; Harrison, 20; and Walker, 18—are all talented football players. Barrett, a... »