Month: June 2013

Free Resource: Too Legit to Quit

The book of James teaches us to how to have a living, visible and productive faith in a fallen world.  This series will take you and your audience through this short book of the Bible.  You can read James in a few minutes, but it will change your life forever. DOWNLOAD THIS FREE RESOURCE »

3 Ways to Please God With My Life

Read 1 Thessalonians 3:11 – 4:8.Salvation is about more than getting to heaven when we die. It’s about living a transformed life here and now. Transformation and restoration are a fundamental part of who we are called to be as followers of Jesus. This journey of transformation and restoration is what we call, in theological terms: sanctification. To be sanctified is to be set-apart for... »

Add God For Endless Possibilities

No matter how you add it up zero added to zero equals nothing! However, add God to the equation and you get endless possibilities. You serve a God who is altogether above mathematical quandaries. He has always been able to blow the lid off the box of our limited human reasoning and capability. Give God [...] Related posts:Are You Faithful With A Dry Well? Whisper To Your Soul Don’t Miss The... »

‘Boundless Informant’ Is a Secret NSA Tool to Data-Mine the World

The NSA has a tool that records and analyzes all the flow of data that the spy agency collects around the world. Think of it as a global data-mining software that details exactly how much intelligence, and of what type, has been collected from every country in the world. It’s aptly called “Boundless Informant.” The tool’s existence was revealed on Saturday by The Guardian, ... »