Month: August 2014

Coming Out of the Evangelical Closet

I’m sorry; I just forget. I run with a lot of free thinkers and I forget what a lot of you are going through in your churches. But the recent, ridiculous Gungor flap has brought... The post Coming Out of the Evangelical Closet appeared first on Jayson D. Bradley. »

Revelation at River Hills


Nathan Todd 7 27 14

Nathan Todd 7 27 14

The Danville Church of God is an international movement of Pentecostal, Evangelical Christians associated with the Church of God based in Cleveland, TN. This account is managed by the Multi-Media Department of the Danville Church of God. All inquiries regarding content shared by this account should be sent to Note: YouTube is a global forum for creative content producer... »

The Nations In Prophecy | Episode 724

The Nations In Prophecy | Episode 724
