Month: February 2015

Security Official: It’s Legal to Spy on You Online

A tribunal ruled on Friday that intelligence sharing between GCHQ and the NSA before December 2014 was not lawful because of a lack of transparency. his is the first time the secretive Investigative Powers Tribunal, which oversees the actions of the UK’s intelligence services GCHQ, MI5 and MI6, has ever upheld a complaint against an agency and it follows a ruling in December that the UK inte... »

Sounding The Warning To America Pt. 1 | Episode 748

Sounding The Warning To America Pt. 1 | Episode 748

To watch PART 2- see this link: If you enjoyed this video and would like to know when others like it are posted, please give us a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel. For more information on Perry Stone ministries, visit Thanks for watching! »

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One on One | Episode 10

One on One | Episode 10

Sometimes, the storms of life can batter us relentlessly. It’s so easy to lose hope, to lose faith. In those times, you must choose to hold on to God’s promises. »