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Matthew and Luke: META DUNAMEWS KAI DOXES POLLES Mark: META DUNAMEWS POLLES KAI DOXES We have three synoptic passages: Mathew 24:30, Mark 13:26 and Luke 21:27 using the adjective POLLES. Matthew and Luke use the adjective after DOXES, while Mark uses it after DUNAMEWS. Harmonizing the text would make it: META DUNAMEWS POLLES KAI DOXES […] »
Thanks, Nikolaos. This brings up a couple more questions. 1. I can’t find γυνῆς GUNH=S at Perseus–just γυνή GUNH/, or I’d look this up myself. Is there any lexical difference between the two words–such as one carrying a more spousal implication than the other? 2. Can such a word be assumed in normal Greek writing? [&hellip... »