Month: March 2017

Lee University Chapel // March 14 // Paul Conn

Lee University Chapel // March 14 // Paul Conn

Lee University Chapel // March 14 // Paul Conn »

tnCOG: Reach ONE

tnCOG: Reach ONE


nyCOG: Classon Avenue Church of God in Brooklyn, NY

nyCOG: Classon Avenue Church of God in Brooklyn, NY,+NY,+11213/@40.6702851,-73.9393343,3a,75y,272.99h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1svu8711m0w-VbkzR9Ab361g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0xc9ad48901a29ec83!6m1!1e1 Pastor: Marcel Fontus 296 Albany Avenue Brooklyn, NY, 11213 Phone: (718) 857-3625 »

What can churches do on local level in light of SCOTUS same-sex marriage decision

What can churches do on local level in light of SCOTUS same-sex marriage decision

Local Church Level Join in corporate fasting and praying in the Spirit Uphold the Biblical standard of holy living Adopt a local church resolutions on the sanctity of the family Preach the truth as you have received it and make your position known to the community MORE OPTIONS: WHAT to DO NOW about YOUR CHURCH AND SAME SEX MARRIAGE 6 Things To Do after the Supreme Court Decision on Gay Marriage Wh... »