Month: May 2018

Make your VBS amazing in 2018

Choosing VBS Made Easy. As you begin planning for the summer months ahead we want to make the process of choosing and ordering Vacation Bible School easier for you. So, we’ve partnered with the best ministries to offer you great deals and resourc... »

May 7, 2018

You number my wanderings; Put my tears into Your bottle; Are they not in Your book? Psalm 56:8 This passage represents millions who have wandered. Wandering speaks of losing your way, or just losing sight of the path. Wanderers pray desperate prayers, they worship extravagantly, they pray without ceasing, and they cry bitterly before God. […] The post May 7, 2018 appeared first on Perry Sto... »

Romans 5:15

Romans 5:15 Alan Wong awong at Mon Sep 6 21:13:19 EDT 1999   Rev 11:15 hH BASILEIA / hAI BASILEIAI Romans 5:15 Here is a question from a little-Greeker,How do you construe the syntax in the apodosis of Romans 5:15? ..POLLOWi MALLON... »

“Justification for Unforgiveness” with Jentezen Franklin

“Justification for Unforgiveness” with Jentezen Franklin

In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus wrestled with what may have been His greatest temptation—whether to follow the Father’s plan and endure the crucifixion or to call twelve legions of angels to rescue Him. The temptation was stronger because He knew He was innocent and blameless. He knew He would be justified in not forgiving those who tortured and crucified Him, but He also knew what His forgiven... »