Month: May 2020

“Confess sins one to another”…for FORGIVENESS? Doesnt God grant that?

“Confess sins one to another”…for FORGIVENESS? Doesnt God grant that? »

Remember, God rescued us from the pit of sin, by…

Remember, God rescued us from the pit of sin, by…

Remember, God rescued us from the pit of sin, by Himself and for Himself so that the world would see God’s glory through us! »

God is a Trinity in Genesis 1

God is a Trinity in Genesis 1

If God is a Trinity why doesn’t Genesis 1 go on to say: ‘So God created man in Their own image, in the image of God They created him; male and female They created them’? »

Many think this is hard. The world misjudge this as…

Many think this is hard. The world misjudge this as…

Many think this is hard. The world misjudge this as fanaticism and a fundamentalist attitude. Let me tell you who do not understand the word ‘biblical’ means. To be biblical means to be TRUTHFUL from the heart. To obey God’s commandment to be true to His Word. To act exactly like JESUS CHRIST. Because we know being positive or popular, you need not be truthful. Someone can lie an... »