Month: August 2020

Don’t Wallow about me, Get Up and Follow me

Don’t Wallow about me, Get Up and Follow me

DON’T WALLOW, GET UP AND FOLLOW – Ray E Horton I read a post about struggling with “besetting sins.” First, we must remember that Jesus dealt with our sins and we received His forgiveness. The battle is now in the mind, where the devil condemns us. Yes, we want to overcome, but we must remember we are no longer sinners once we are born Again. The problem is with old patterns and habits... »

He is Faithful to His Promises

He is Faithful to His Promises

AUGUST 26, 2020 Genesis 28:14-15 “Your descendants shall be as the dust of the earth; you shall spread abroad to the west and the east, to the north and the south; and in you and in your seed all the families of the earth shall be blessed. Behold, I am... »

Kingdom Connection: The Three Chairs

Kingdom Connection: The Three Chairs When it comes to your faith, how real is God to you? You (and your faith) are sitting in one of three chairs, and you may be surprised to learn it’s time to get up and move. Discover what seat your faith is in and where it needs to be. »

Kingdom Connection: Miracles in Your Home

Kingdom Connection: Miracles in Your Home God is shining a light into our homes during this time. We’re in the midst of a rare opportunity for families to take inventory of their spiritual lives and see where we’ve laid up our riches. Inside a church building cannot be the only place we worship. It cannot be the only place we pray. We can no longer wait until we “go to church” to read the Bible, take communion,... »