Month: August 2020

RESURRECTION in the Fields of the Wood at Prayer Mountain in Murphy, NC

RESURRECTION in the Fields of the Wood at Prayer Mountain in Murphy, NC

Thanks to our friends at the World largest display of the Ten Commandments in the Fields of the Wood at Prayer Mountain in Murphy, NC For schedule and reservations please call the Commandments Keeper, ‎Cliff Anderson (828) 494-7855 »

The Enoch Cipher | Episode # 1037

The Enoch Cipher | Episode # 1037

Episode # 1037 of Manna-Fest from the 2020 Prophetic Summit #perrystone #mannafest #propheticsummit #prophecy #voiceofevangelism PSM Website : PSTV : Facebook : Twitter : »

Where He Leads Me Let Me Follow

AUGUST 22, 2020 Genesis 28:10-11 Now Jacob went out from Beersheba and went toward Haran. So he came to a certain place and stayed there all night, because the sun had set. And he took one of the stones of that place and put it at his head, and he lay ... »

2Kings 20:1-5 Can prayer change the mind of God?

2Kings 20:1-5 Can prayer change the mind of God? »