Month: August 2020

*SPEAKING IN TONGUES* As we celebrate Pentecost Sunday today, let…

*SPEAKING IN TONGUES* As we celebrate Pentecost Sunday today, let…

*SPEAKING IN TONGUES* As we celebrate Pentecost Sunday today, let me remind us of some abuses on the person of the Holy Spirit that has become almost normal amongst us Christians. Friends, speaking in tongues is a spiritual gift that is given and not a language or a skill to be learnt. You don’t go to school to learn how to speak in tongues, it is not Spanish or French. No! It is the Holy Sp... »

Isn’t it interesting how Baal worship invades all aspects of…

Isn’t it interesting how Baal worship invades all aspects of…

Isn’t it interesting how Baal worship invades all aspects of life, even the tragedies! »

I believed that God knew who will be saved and…

I believed that God knew who will be saved and who will not. But He wants everybody to be saved. He wants everyone to be chosen… »

What do you think about this picture? Paying evil with…

What do you think about this picture? Paying evil with…

What do you think about this picture? Paying evil with evil right? »