Month: August 2020

Did Adam really die when he ate of the forbidden…

Did Adam really die when he ate of the forbidden fruit? »

if doubting the Bible leads a man away from God,…

if doubting the Bible leads a man away from God, is it an intellegent action? look at bart ehrman. »

Samuel Bentley | The Ramp at OCI

Samuel Bentley | The Ramp at OCI

Join us live for worship with Braden Hasty and a special message from Samuel Bentley Although we offer this stream for free, we still need your support to continue. To give to the minsitry, please visit You can also consider becoming a Partner’s Strike Force member to support all aspects of the ministry. Thank you for all your support! »

“A Wake-Up Call” pastor Loran Livingston,  August 2, 2020

“A Wake-Up Call” pastor Loran Livingston, August 2, 2020

Pastor Loran calls to stop “pretending being Christians” and truly & wholeheartedly be Christians, so our lives and our actions reflect our faith. We must repent of our sins, avoid the pressures of the world and be sure we are ready to the return of Jesus Christ. »