Month: October 2020

We Must Hear!

OCTOBER 18, 2020 Genesis 35:22  And it happened, when Israel dwelt in that land, that Reuben went and lay with Bilhah his father’s concubine; and Israel heard about it. Tragedy, disappointment and even betrayal seems to be common themes in Jacob’s life... »

NCJunior Bible Story

NCJunior Bible Story


Floyd Lawhon | Omega Center International

Floyd Lawhon | Omega Center International

Join us live at OCI! You can tithe and give offering at »

Floyd Lawhon

Floyd Lawhon

Moderator maintains rights to ban anyone. Please stay focused on the service. Visit us at to submit your prayer requests. You can tithe and give offerings to the ministry at This message will be available to purchase tomorrow. Call 423-478-3456. »