Month: May 2021

8 Joys of Church Revitalization

Church revitalization is hard work. Most of the time, the task requires turning around a ship that has been floating in the wrong direction for a long time – and it’s easy to give up too soon. If you’re in a church revitalization situation, either as a pastor or a lay leader, I hope this... The post 8 Joys of Church Revitalization appeared first on Church Answers. »

Wow this is a must watch debate! For those who…

Wow this is a must watch debate! For those who…

Wow this is a must watch debate! For those who are familiar with popular youtuber Conspiracy Catz, you’ll enjoy the technical back and forth in this debate. »

Enoch walk with God yet his book was removed from…

Enoch walk with God yet his book was removed from the Bible why?? »

“God can not be tempted by evil nor can he…

“God can not be tempted by evil nor can he tempt anyone.” Yet Jesus being God the son was tempted in the wilderness, wasn’t he? Please reconcile for me 🙂 »