Month: May 2021

Dear all, Many people wrestle with the question; Where do…

Dear all, Many people wrestle with the question; Where do Dead people go? Do they go straight to heaven if they are saved?, Do they go straight to hell if they are lost? Do they just sleep in the grave no matter their condition whether saved or not? »

Jesus said, “Before Abraham, I am”. Again, how to explain…

Jesus said, “Before Abraham, I am”. Again, how to explain this to a J. W…? »

Reasoning and God There are reasons which we reason through…

Reasoning and God There are reasons which we reason through…

Reasoning and God There are reasons which we reason through before we arrive at a choice. No choice is ever made for no reason at all, or without having gone through the reasoning process. We all have the ability to reason. Some to a greater extent than others. We are all presented with reasons when trying to reason out a choice. Some reasons are external, and some reasons are internal. The questi... »

He Will Return….You Can Count on It

“Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” Hebrews 13:8 Who He was then... He is now. Who He is now.... He will be tomorrow. When He first came to us....the world was so very different. The world now is so very different than then... But He is coming again. Then He worked, tasted [...] »