Month: September 2021
It’s Time to Take a Stand
In life, things come and go and it’s easy for us to get caught up in the latest fad and temporary trends. Many times, today’s fad can become tomorrow’s “what was I thinking?” or regret. It’s the same concepts with our spiritual life, if we are not intentional, we can stand on shifting foundations that God’s word says is temporary. In this weeks message, we discuss the 3 things that the bible says ... »
What a comforting verse for a time such as this!
What a comforting verse for a time such as this! »
Austrian researchers have discovered that church fonts contain very high…
How many of you have sprinkled a little holy water around your home? “They found that 86 percent of water samples from holy sources contain fecal matter, and every milliliter of holy water contained up to 62 million bacteria, none of it safe to drink. Not surprisingly, the busier the church, the more bacteria it had in its font from people’s hands.” Austrian researchers have disc... »