Right now media is a church subscription that has many…
Right now media is a church subscription that has many videos including apologetics videos. Sadly my church doesn’t have it, does yours? »
Right now media is a church subscription that has many videos including apologetics videos. Sadly my church doesn’t have it, does yours? »
Someone taught this little girl right! She knows the virus can shutdown everything but the power of GOD! Can I get an amen?! »
“In a curious twist of logic,evolutionists often argue that if in their opinion, some organ or tissue in our body is “poorly designed” this reveals that there is no design or designer at all. A favorite “poor design” among such folks is the inverted, or “upside down” retina found in all vertebrates. The assumption is that if only vertebrates had properly designed eyes, we would see a lot bet... »
What would be a good Systematic theology book to get that is biblical? »