Month: October 2021

the journey to the east

the journey to the east

I sniffed out a great read. Recently, while going through some leadership materials presented by Robert Greenleaf, I noticed his mention of a classic book, The Journey to the East by Hermann Hesse. The book was written in 1954 and apparently is the first literary work featuring the topic of servant leadership. The book is [...] »

The Carpenter

I came across this picture of a burning candle with an opened Bible in the background. The room around the candle and Bible is completely dark, yet light and truth are beautifully displayed in the midst of darkness. The great prophecy of the ancient Hebrew Prophet Joel, quoted by the Apostle Peter on the Day [...] »

The Carpenter

I came across this picture of a burning candle with an opened Bible in the background. The room around the candle and Bible is completely dark, yet light and truth are beautifully displayed in the midst of darkness. The great prophecy of the ancient Hebrew Prophet Joel, quoted by the Apostle Peter on the Day [...] »

Ministry Intern, Cleveland, Tenn.

Are you interested in learning more about church ministry? Are you looking to expand your knowledge and experience about how church ministry works and operates? If so, South Cleveland Church […] The post Ministry Intern, Cleveland, Tenn. appeared... »