Month: March 2022

Urgent Message from Moscow – Update on Shestopalov Family

Immediate Response NeededChurch of God World Missions Project Number #132-4002Daughter Killed in Car AccidentOn June 13, 2009 Russian National Overseer Vladimir Shestopalov and his family were traveling in the Moscow region when they were hit head-on b... »

Protestant Strategies in Bulgaria during the 19th Century

Historical and Doctrinal Formation of Holiness Teachings and Praxis among Bulgarian Pentecostals as prepared for Society Pentecostal Studies (Seattle, 2013 – Lakeland, 2015) by Dony K. Donev, D.Min. The early Bulgarian protestants were mainly Methodists and Congregational. They followed the strategy of the American and British missionaries, which began with a translation of the Bible [&helli... »

Christ’s Birthday Offering: When we reach out, God reaches in!

God reached down to earth with the gift of His Son. We reach out with the gift of Jesus to the world. It isn’t hard to imagine a dad, forlornly considering how he will provide for his family because the COVID lockdowns eliminated his day job. It isn’t hard to hear the echoes of a [...] »

10 Ways the Enemy Attacks Church Leaders

For more than 25 years, I have studied the biblical reality of spiritual warfare. In no particular order, here are ten common strategies I’ve seen when the enemy attacks church leaders: 1. Encouraging leaders to live in self-reliance. Because most lead... »