Month: March 2022

Global Prayer Center | 3.3.2022

Global Prayer Center | 3.3.2022

Join us live for corporate prayer from our Global Prayer Center. To submit prayer requests, visit To donate to the ministry, visit »

The Holy Spirit: Making the Way Plain – PART 1

The Holy Spirit: Making the Way Plain – PART 1

Perry Stone with special guest Ron Phillips. »

Tuesday January 8: 2 Shevat

It was on this day in 1942 that the Nazi leader Reinhard Heydrich met with representatives of the German Police, the S.S. and leading Nazi Party officials to begin discussing the implementation of the so-called, “Final Solution” to the so-called “Jewish Problem.” What was the so-called “Jewish Problem”? It would seem the problem was, at […] »

Preparando el Escenario Para los Milagros | Jentezen Franklin

Preparando el Escenario Para los Milagros | Jentezen Franklin

This is “Broadcast Name”. To hear more inspiring messages from Jentezen Franklin, visit & subscribe to this channel: Tell us more about what’s going on in your life: Let us pray with you: Share your testimony to encourage us and others: https://jenteze... »