Month: April 2022

Let’s simplify things! And this will not be an exhaustive…

Let’s simplify things! And this will not be an exhaustive text by any means. Ask yourselves if the doctrine you follow jives with scripture : Jesus said: do not call anyone on earth father, for you have one father who is in heaven. Hmmmm Jesus said : in the last days there will be doctrines taught by Devils, that are really just their man-made traditions. They for bid people to marry and forbid th... »

Chapel I Passion Week Service I April 14, 2022

Chapel I Passion Week Service I April 14, 2022


The POPE: DO YOU have to believe in God?

The POPE: DO YOU have to believe in God to go to heaven? »

CyberWAR Timeline #ourCOG Roundup

2001 July The worm named Code Red affects computer networks running a Microsoft operating system. Some websites, including the White House site, are disabled. 2003 Anonymous, the group of hackers who refer to themselves as “Internet activists” and attack government, corporate, and religious websites, is organized. While the group avoids adhering to a strict philosophy, its members seem... »