Month: December 2022

You can see what my parents got me for Christmas…

You can see what my parents got me for Christmas…

You can see what my parents got me for Christmas in 1962. It was one of my first Bibles. I still have it. It has the Church of God Shield in it, something that I was very proud of. Many wonderful memories that I shall never forget. »

First Church of God Assembly Commemoration Service

First Church of God Assembly Commemoration Service

The public is invited to help commemorate the First Assembly that took place in January 1906 that birthed the Church of God and the Church of God of Prophecy. The event will be held at the First Assembly House near Fields of the Wood in Murphy, North Carolina. The program will begin at 11 am and will include a reading of the First Assembly Minutes, comments by Dr. Harold Hunter, director of Intern... »

Sunday February 24: 19 Adar

It was on this day in 1940 that the so-called McDonald-White paper went into effect. This was a document that restricted the sale of “Arab lands” to Jews in the Holy Land and practically voided the Balfour Declaration, a previous document that promoted the establishment of a Jewish homeland. Ironically on this same date on […] »

Tuesday Minutes of the 36th Annual Assembly of the Church of God

Tuesday Minutes of the 36th Annual Assembly of the Church of God

Place: Memorial Auditorium, Chattanooga, TN. Date: September 2-3, 1941. General Overseer: J.H.Walker. Teachings of the Church of God (pp.127-128). [25th A.] Modest Apparel (p.135). [35th A.] »