Year: 2022

End Time Plagues & The Power of Communion | Perry Stone

End Time Plagues & The Power of Communion | Perry Stone

Order the Meal That Heals here: »

Perry Stone – The Power of Fasting part 1

Perry Stone – The Power of Fasting part 1


No Longer Orphans: Michael and Mihaela Gravitt

Suddenly Michael Gravitt was an orphan. He had just married his wife, Mihaela, when his parents and brother died a short time apart. It didn’t make sense. This should have been the happiest time in his life, yet he was suffering deep loss and the sorrow that comes from not having a family.  “I didn't [...] »


In the last year we released the book, “Living with a Man in Two Worlds” which shares from my perspective the call and work of ministry which the Lord appointed unto Perry and me.  I want to share excerpts in this posting of Pam’s Corner. Read more... »