Year: 2022

General Assembly Registration Special Offer

Through the month of May, every 50th delegate to register for the Church of God General Assembly will receive complimentary registration. Official registration for the 74th International General Assembly (GA2012) began on January 9, with a steady flow ... »


ORIGIN of DEMONS (DOCTRINAL VIEW) Early Thanksgiving break pop-quiz Rick Wadholm Jr Multiple choice question (5 points): Chose one of the following A. Souls... »

General Assembly Prayer Emphasis Announced

General Assembly Prayer Emphasis Announced ... »

Rob Bell, end-times, and how Jesus got “left behind.”

Disclaimer: I promise, I’m not trying to write about everything controversial in church life in one week. By the time I finish this little series, I think you will see how these themes are deeply related—at least I hope so. The last thing the world needs is another blog about Rob Bell, so please note [...] »