Year: 2022

Division of Education Sponsoring ‘Mobilize’ Breakfast at General Assembly

Division of Education Sponsoring ‘Mobilize’ Breakfast at General Assembly ... »

Battle of Our Minds

Have you ever struggled with your thoughts? Every person should raise their hand. Scripture tells us there is an ongoing battle for our minds that started in the garden of Eden.  “Did God really say…..?” (Genesis 3:1), we hear the words of Satan to Eve. Genesis 3 shows us how crafty Satan can be. Satan... The post Battle of Our Minds appeared first on Church Answers. »

#BecauseOfChrisbrown** … I don’t know who that is. Is he related to Johnnie Brown one of the 21 original delegates to an Assembly? #ourCOG

#BecauseOfChrisbrown** ... I don't know who that is. Is he related to Johnnie Brown one of the 21 original delegates to an Assembly? #ourCOG »

St. Patrick’s Day Is Wrong

Everything You Know About St. Patrick’s Day Is Wr […] »