Year: 2022

#ourCOG 100th General Assembly

#ourCOG 100th General Assembly




How To Get A Powerful Relationship with God | Jentezen Franklin

How To Get A Powerful Relationship with God | Jentezen Franklin

This is “How To Get A Powerful Relationship with God”. When we are seeking God, we are stronger when temptation comes. And conversely, when we are not seeking Him, we are much weaker. The people who have the touch of God are people who have been in His presence through prayer, worship, His Word, giving, and worship. This is an excerpt from “Seek”. Click here to watch the fu... »

As we approach Thanksgiving here is an article on Puritanism

As we approach Thanksgiving here is an article on Puritanism that you may want to share. It outlines the Puritans’ marvelous achievements in recovering... »