Year: 2022

Quick Things To Do To Make Thanksgiving Day Meaningful & Fun

Quick Things To Do To Make Thanksgiving Day Meaningful & Fun

Say a prayer.  Return thanks to the One who created it all. Sing your prayer. I know this sounds odd…and maybe it’s just me.  But, growing up when our extended family would gather for Thanksgiving and Christmas, we wouldn’t “say a prayer.” We would sing it…The Doxology to be exact.  It became such a substantial memory, [...] »

Happy Thanksgiving Fun!!

Happy Thanksgiving Fun!!

"Can we do a funny face toward the end?"   »

Unexpected Blessings

Unexpected Blessings

Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage. As they pass through the Valley of Baka, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools. They go from … Continue reading → »

A thanksgiving meditation from A Prayer for Owen Meany.

I just finished reading John Irving’s masterpiece A Prayer for Owen Meany, and I have no intentions of getting over it anytime soon. I am admittedly late to the party on this contemporary classic tale of two boys “bonded forever by childhood, the stunted Owen Meany, whose life is touched by God, and the orphaned [...] »