Year: 2022

Church of God 2022 General Assembly Friday Evening Worship Service (Official)

Church of God 2022 General Assembly Friday Evening Worship Service (Official)


Pope Francis and the United Religions Initiative

In 2007 URI celebrated its 10th anniversary in the Metropolitan Cathedral in Buenos Aires, Argentina.  On the far-right is Jorge Mario Bergoglio Question: What explains the love affair going on between the Vicar of Christ on earth and the modern executioners of his Mystical Body in the media?  The Rolling Stone magazine cover, Time magazine’s ‘Person of the Year”, the Advocate’s glowing praise, an... »

The Satanic Agenda of Halloween

The Satanic Agenda of Halloween

Pastor Shane Brown gives a Bible-based teaching that exposes the satanic celebration known as “Halloween”. »

The church as a transformation and change agent

The church as a transformation and change agent

Jerry Pillay | Department of Church History and Church Polity, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, South Africa   ABSTRACT This article traces the historical impact of the church in transforming, developing and changing society. It looks at how the church in selected periods in history, mainly in the reformation era, worked towards the transformation of society and communities. Extra... »