Year: 2022

In Dr. Williams podcast on 4/28 he quoted Alvin Toffler….

In Dr. Williams podcast on 4/28 he quoted Alvin Toffler. That pleased me as I have read Toffler now for 40 years. He is translated in 25 languages and millions of his books are in print. In his last book he talked about the speed of institutions. Putting business as the fastest and listing others down to where they are barely moving. Churches are moving so slow in innovation and adaptation to the ... »

The Pentecostal prince of preachers

The Pentecostal prince of preachers

The Pentecostal prince of preachers »

This is my hometown CoG worshiping today. Do you like…

This is my hometown CoG worshiping today. Do you like this? »

This page is about trying to figure out where we…

This page is about trying to figure out where we came from and how that affects the way we are. Richard Niebuhr has pointed out that our thinking is shaped by our early experiences. Most of us have those idyllic moments, months or years in our life that we wish could be frozen in time; that moment when we were without a care for the larger world, that moment before we tasted the forbidden fruit an... »