Year: 2022

Christmas Book Sale


Christmas Children’s Book Release: ‘A Nativity Christmas’

Just in time for Christmas, author Tawney Anderson has released her new children’s book: “A Nativity Christmas.” Tawney has combined her talents as a playwright and theater director to create a unique host of characters that bring this Christmas story to life. Combined with animal character illustrations, “A Nativity Christmas” creates theater of the mind […] »

5 Error Drops in Your Christmas Sermon

5 Error Drops in Your Christmas Sermon Rick Wadholm Jr 1. Don’t add details that aren’t in the text. For example, the nature of... »

The Debt We Owe – Our Denomination’s Responsibility to its Retired Ministers

Emphasizing Allegiance and Loyalty to a Worthy Generation Dignified, distinguished and deserving! These three words immediately come to mind when I think of the men and women who helped make our church great. I know that I have frequently written and t... »