Year: 2022

Illinois State Council and Lee University Illinois students

Illinois State Council and Lee University Illinois students

Illinois State Council and Lee University Illinois students »

The Declaration of Faith of the Church of God states:…

The Declaration of Faith of the Church of God states: In sanctification subsequent to the new birth, through faith in the blood of Christ; through the Word, and by the Holy Ghost. Holiness to be God’s standard of living for His people. What is the result of sanctification? Having a standard of living, holiness. Up to 1948 there was not an experiential sanctification. Naturally it was sought ... » Open this page, click on Conn Center and scroll… Open this page, click on Conn Center and scroll… Open this page, click on Conn Center and scroll to Spring 2017 and scroll to March 16, 2017 to hear Sandra Williams sermon to Lee University students. It is addressed to women’s issues. She is egalitarian and I am complementary so we disagree on the subject. However her sermon is very challenging. What are your thoughts. »

There is a group of Lee University students trying to…

There is a group of Lee University students trying to…

There is a group of Lee University students trying to get “Chance” the rapper scheduled at the school. Will the Administration approve this? What do you think? »