Year: 2022

Winter Commencement 2020 – Part 1

Winter Commencement 2020 – Part 1

Dr. Walker introduces student speakers and provides the agenda for the online celebration of Winter 2020 graduates from Lee University. Student speakers include Val Berger, Abby Fortner, and Macey Williams. »

Some Tennessee teachers and education advocates say President Donald Trump's…

Some Tennessee teachers and education advocates say President Donald Trump's…

Education Secretary-designate Betsy DeVos arrives before testifying on Capitol Hill in Washington on Jan. 17 at her confirmation hearing before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. ((extracted from the article: Paul Conn’s support for Betsy Devos)) Paul Conn, president of Lee University in Cleveland, Tenn., has known DeVos and her family for decades and said she is the... »

Much of my personal devotion/spirituality at Lee College was formed…

Much of my personal devotion/spirituality at Lee College was formed in the prayer room on the lower level of the old auditorium. It was not elaborate and seemed to combine prayer and storage area. It had a makeshift altar area for prayer. Often you would go there and there would be students prevailing in prayer all through the day. Does Lee University have these places for prayer anymore? »

A well known lady faculty/administrator of the Church of God…

A well known lady faculty/administrator of the Church of God…

A well known lady faculty/administrator of the Church of God Lee University revealed on FaceBook that she had tickets to the Presidential Inauguration in Washington DC and when Hillary lost she sold the tickets expressing her desire not to attend the Trump Inauguration. How prevalent is this attitude at Lee U? Would Lee support student representation at the Inaugural events. Will any Lee students ... »