Year: 2022

Charles you mentioned the music director at Lee. I saw…

Charles you mentioned the music director at Lee. I saw the presentation today by the Missouri State University; it was a beautiful piece of music. »

Cleveland, TN–Regions Bank and Regions Foundation recently gave a joint…

Cleveland, TN–Regions Bank and Regions Foundation recently gave a joint…

Cleveland, TN–Regions Bank and Regions Foundation recently gave a joint contribution of $100,000 to Lee University in support of the Find Us Faithful capital campaign for the south campus expansion. The donation was presented by Michael Mathis, president of Regions Bank Chattanooga, and Ken Dew, pre… »

#ourCOG Lee University Choir to Perform at Presidential Inauguration

#ourCOG Lee University Choir to Perform at Presidential Inauguration

CLEVELAND, Tenn. — A choir from Lee University here will perform at the presidential inauguration in January, U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander announced on the campus this morning. “We may not know who is going to be president this January, but we know that the Lee University Choir will be at the inauguration,” Alexander, R-Tenn., told a packed assembly of 1,800 students at the university’s Conn Center. ... »

What percentage of Lee University students are children of illegal…

What percentage of Lee University students are children of illegal immigrant parents »