Year: 2022

Winter Commencement 2020 – Part 1

Winter Commencement 2020 – Part 1

Dr. Walker introduces student speakers and provides the agenda for the online celebration of Winter 2020 graduates from Lee University. Student speakers include Val Berger, Abby Fortner, and Macey Williams. »

Breaking Free from the Effects of Criticism

Breaking Free from the Effects of Criticism

Go, Thou, and do Likewise! After a church service one morning in which the minister had preached on spiritual gifts, he was greeted at the door by an individ... »

What the Global Ministry Forums are NOT

96 What the Global Ministry Forums are NOT - By Dr. Timothy M. Hill ... »

The Ministry Forums… Who Had This Bright Idea?

The Ministry Forums… Who Had This Bright Idea?

Some have asked, “Why are the Ministry Forums being conducted and are they really needed?” I’m certainly glad to offer the best answers I possibly can. It’s ... »