Month: January 2023

State Administrative Bishop Preference/Evaluation voting process

96 State Administrative Bishop Preference/Evaluation voting process ... »


Then they said to one another, “Look, this dreamer is coming!” _Genesis 37:19 Oddly enough, what made Joseph’s dreams come … »

MTAC Podcast #47 Vice President Mike Pence

NEW EPISODE ALERT The 48th Vice President of the United States joins us for More Than A Conversation about his new book, So Help Me God, all recorded in front of a live audience! -Finding Christ as a young man -Is he going to pursue the presidency? -Co... »

Today We are All Rodney Howard-Browne

Today We are All Rodney Howard-Browne

“…Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me— and there was no one left to speak for me.” ~Rev. Martin Niemöller Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne was arrested for having church on Sunday. The charges: unlawful assembly and a violation of health emergency rules. The state administrative order issued restriction on all “public or private gathering... »