Month: January 2023

C20 Ministry

C20 Ministry


2012 Church of God Resolution on Immigration

2012 Church of God Resolution on Immigration

WHEREAS, the church’s interaction and dialogue with the laws and policies of the nations of the world must be founded on the Word of the Lord, and the earliest Scriptures reveal that every human being is created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26, 27; 5:1); and, WHEREAS, Abraham, Sarah, and the patriarchs “sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country” (Hebrews 11:9); “conf... »

What will be the major resolutions at the 2018 GA…

What will be the major resolutions at the 2018 GA in Orlando? What do you think? »


RESOLUTION SUPPORTING AMENDMENT 1 TO THE TENNESSEE CONSTITUTION 2014 WHEREAS, a ruling in 2000 by the Tennessee Supreme Court declared that a right to abortion is implicit in the Tennessee Constitution, thereby making enforcement of protective life-affirming legislation unlikely, if not impossible; and WHEREAS, Senate Joint Resolution 127 proposes an amendment to the Constitution that will be desi... »