Month: January 2023

Tuesday Minutes of the 61st Annual Assembly of the Church of God

Tuesday Minutes of the 61st Annual Assembly of the Church of God

Minutes of the 61st General Assembly of the Church of God Place: World Congress Center, Atlanta, GA. Date: July 29 – August 3, 1986. General Overseer: Raymond E. Crowly. Recommendations from the 1986 General Council to the General Assembly (pp.53-55). Item 5: Practical Commitments (p.54). SUPPLEMENT: Declaration of Faith (p.4). [48th A.] Church of God Teachings (pp.6-8). [48th A.] Resolution... »

Tuesday Minutes of the 48th Annual Assembly of the Church of God

Tuesday Minutes of the 48th Annual Assembly of the Church of God

Minutes of the 48th General Assembly of the Church of God Place: Municipal Auditorium, Memphis, TN. Date: August 16-20, 1960. General Overseer: James A. Cross. Church of God Teachings changed again (pp.158-159). Declaration of Faith (p.157). [42nd A.] The moving pictures restriction added to the Modest Apparel (p.179). Resolution Relative to the Principles of Holiness of Church of God. (p.174). »

Church of God Resolution on INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM (1980)

Church of God Resolution on INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM (1980)

WHEREAS acts of terrorism against innocent people are on the increase worldwide; and WHEREAS the destruction of property and the taking of lives are against basic Christian principles; and WHEREAS Scripture forbids the unlawful taking of human life and exacts heavy penalties to those who violate this commandment; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we, the General Assembly of the Church of God, reaffirm... »

On the Resolution Concerning Human Identity: A Better Way

Dale M. CoulterIn a previous blog post, I argued that resolutions are not the best way to engage contemporary issues. I noted that resolutions use highly-charged rhetoric to make a point. The resolution concerning human i... »