Month: January 2023

The Church of God position on holiness is that it…

The Church of God position on holiness is that it is God’s standard of living for his people but only God sees it, have I got it right? »

If a Church of God bishop's wife is all decked…

If a Church of God bishop’s wife is all decked out in make up and arrayed in costly jewelry what does that say about the bishop’s heart? What message is she sending to her denomination? »

Are we automatically obedient to the preached word because we…

Are we automatically obedient to the preached word because we are sanctified? Do faith and works naturally flow from a sanctified person? »

When Sanctification Occurs Before Justification In this case it does:…

When Sanctification Occurs Before Justification In this case it does: I Corinthians 7:14 14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband; otherwise your children would be unclean, but now they are holy. Here, the man hasn’t been saved, but he’s sanctified because his wife is saved. The children are also sanctified before t... »