Month: February 2023

Church of God Assistant General Overseer A.M. Phillips (b. 1913)…

Church of God Assistant General Overseer A.M. Phillips (b. 1913)…

Church of God Assistant General Overseer A.M. Phillips (b. 1913) went to be with the Lord on December 24, 1962. Here with wife and daughters, Lois, Gayle Phillips Long, and Joyce Phillips Guiles, he was elected to office just four months prior to his passing. He had served the previous four years on the Executive Committee as general secretary-treasurer. Church of God editor in chief Lewis Willis ... »

N.T. Wright on Gay Marriage

N.T. Wright on Gay Marriage


N.T. Wright on homosexuality, science, gender

(Note: This is part two of my interview with NT Wright. The first part addresses the Bible and why he doesn’t call himself an inerrantist.) TIME Magazine called him “one of the most formidable figures in the world of Christian thought.” Newsweek once labeled him “the world’s leading New Testament scholar.” His name is N.T. Wright, and he has just written a controversial book on the Bible. In “Surp... »

No Empty Labor

On the surface, Ecclesiastes paints a pretty morbid picture about human labor. Here’s ol’ Solomon’s pep rally: What does man gain from all his labor at which he toils under the sun? (1:3) So my heart began to despair over all my toilsome labor under the sun. (2:20) And I saw that all labor and…Read more No Empty Labor »