Month: February 2023

Yes, Matt Walsh’s Logic Hurts Me Personally

A few people shared Matt Walsh’s latest blog post on Facebook today (for those who don’t know who Matt is, he calls himself a blogger, writer, speaker, and professional truth sayer), and he hooked me in with the post’s title. I usually refuse to read his stuff because I find it absurd and inflammatory — and his post entitled […] The post Yes, Matt... »

Oh my #ourCoG crowd hold on.. Mr @bradleyknight just released a Shundai!!! on twitterville

Oh my #ourCoG crowd hold on.. Mr @bradleyknight just released a Shundai!!! on twitterville »

Graphics Slideshow: Changing Attitudes on Gay Marriage

A series of graphics shows how public opinion toward same-sex marriage has changed in Pew Research Center polls since 2001. See how much opinion varies by generation, religious group, gender, race and political party. »

Open Letter: No, Mr. Cook, Being Gay Isn’t a Gift from God—But Something Much Greater Is

Mr. Tim Cook 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, CA  95014 You don’t know me. I’m not a CEO, a tech guy, an actor, or a politician. I’m a writer with a blog (not many of those around, eh?). But I’ve been following your work for a while. Back in the late ‘90s, I’d finally had enough […] »